Did you know that, on average, most women menstruate around 500 times across 37.5 years? Additionally, an average woman has 13 menstrual cycles per year and will menstruate for an equivalent of 6.5 years across their lifespan. 

Hundreds of menstrual cycles across a lifetime also means that a woman will use thousands of period products across a lifetime. Unfortunately, most menstrual products are expensive and not very eco-friendly. 

In recent years, many women have started saying goodbye to disposable tampons and pads and switching to reusable menstrual products. Why switch to reusable organic pads?

Read this guide to learn why you should ditch disposable period products. 

1. Reduce Waste 

Switching to reusable pads or menstrual cups can help you reduce waste. While reusable underwear, cups, and cloth pads require rinsing and washing, the energy and water use of these products is negligible compared to disposable period products. 

It's estimated that 45 billion period products are used each year, resulting in 400 pounds of waste per person across a lifetime. By switching to reusable menstrual products, you can prevent hundreds of pounds of plastic from ending up in landfills. Additionally, producing plastic for tampons and pads requires a massive amount of fossil fuels. 

And, while menstrual cups can't be recycled, you can turn reusable menstrual pads into cleaning rags once they begin to fray. Just make sure you clean the pad thoroughly before using it as a cleaning product. 

2. Save Money 

Switching to reusable menstrual products can also help you save money. A recent study found that women spend an average of $20 on period products per menstrual cycle, resulting in over $9000 spent over the course of a lifetime. 

By switching to reusable period products, you can save thousands of dollars. Unlike disposable tampons and pads, which only last for a few hours, reusable menstrual cups can last 1-2 years, reusable pads can last up to five years, and period underwear can last 6 months to 2 years. 

Plus, you'll likely save time by switching to reusable products, as you'll no longer have to run to the store for supplies every time you get your period!

3. Improved Comfort 

Many women find that reusable period products are more comfortable than disposable products. In particular, plastic pads can be extremely uncomfortable, as they're crinkly, sticky, and sweaty. 

Tampons aren't much better, as inserting a wad of cotton into your vagina is not very comfortable. As we mentioned earlier, you'll likely get your period for over three decades, so you want to be as comfortable as possible. Switching to reusable products can boost your comfort level, as wearing a reusable pad feels a lot like wearing underwear. 

4. Better for Your Skin and Body

Your skin and body will thank you when you switch to reusable menstrual products. Many women suffer from rashes, ingrown hairs, dryness, allergic reactions, and chafing due to disposable menstrual products. 

Switching to cotton reusable pads can provide your skin with much-needed relief from rashes and irritation. Additionally, some disposable period products contain toxic chemicals that can mess with your hormones. By switching to reusable products, you can have peace of mind knowing that you're not exposing your body to harmful chemicals. 

5. More Discreet 

While getting your period is nothing to be ashamed of, no one enjoys the sound of opening a pad or tampon. If you're looking for more discretion with your period products, reusable products are the way to go, as they hardly make any noise when applied. 

Many women are nervous about switching to reusable products, as they worry about what they'll do if they need to change their pad or cup in public. Typically, you need to change a reusable menstrual pad every four to six hours. Luckily, you can purchase a wet bag (sometimes called a carry bag) for storing reusable pads when you're away from home. The wet bags prevent contamination and hold in any odors. Then, you can wash the menstrual pad as soon as you get home. 

If you don't want to wash your menstrual cup in public, we recommend carrying a water bottle with your when you're on your period, so you can wash the cup discreetly inside the stall. And it's always a smart idea to carry an extra cup or pad with you, just in case. 

Period underwear is a bit different, as you can typically wear it for 10-24 hours before changing it. 

6. Customize Your Selection 

Another bonus to reusable period products is that they're often customizable. You can find cloth pads and underwear in dozens of sizes, and some of them even come in fun patterns and colors. Of course, if you want something more discreet, it's easy to find these products in neutral tones, like white, beige, and black. 

Menstrual cups usually come in two sizes, a large or a small. Typically, you'll want to choose a size based on fit, not flow. Most menstrual cup companies come with sizing guides to help you determine the right cup size for your needs. For example, some companies state that you should choose a "large" size if you're over 30 and have had a child. 

Time to Switch to Organic Reusable Pads 

As you can see, there are many benefits to switching to organic reusable pads. It's time to officially say goodbye to disposable period products that harm your body and the environment, drain your wallet, and cause you discomfort. 

If you're looking to switch to reusable pads, click here to order a tester pad to see just how amazing these products are! 

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